Friday, November 24, 2006

Pumpkins And Persimmons

My sister, Cynthia, brought me Australian Blue pumpkins that she grew in her Chico garden, and giant hachiya persimmons from her neighbor's tree. Puddings, cookies, flans, pies, stews and soups cannot be far off.


  1. I love those blue pumpkins....i actually carried a 20 pounder back with me from Seattle last October, that's how much I love them....can't grow them here in Florida.

  2. I love the 'fall bounty' - even if it overwhelms at times. I've never had blue pumpkin, orange, green and beige, but not blue...I'll have to look for seeds in the U.S. next spring

  3. My mouth is watering already with the thought of all the recipes you are hopefully going to come up with.

  4. I've already got some persimmons ready for a low-carb flan that I'll be posting soon.
    I'm still "talking" to the pumpkins but have yet to receive inspiration. I think I'm still too full!

  5. What a huge pumpkins (how much do they weigh ... ) .Looking forward for new pumpkins recipes.

  6. I'm looking forward to that persimmon flan post, Christine! Low carb, too? Wow!


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