Monday, December 15, 2008

Meyer Lemon Mania

Thank You Bill ! ! !
A box of Meyer lemons arrived a few days ago. I never expect them so it's such a joy that they arrive each year. A lemon meringue pie is in the making. I'm thinking preserved lemons this year for those deep winter braised dishes. I cannot thank you enough, dear friend.

Copyright © 2005-2008, Christine Cooks. All rights reserved


  1. Wow, I just found Meyer lemons at Trader Joe's, first of the season. I was thinking lemon curd, but preserved lemons would be great, too. Lucky you, a whole box!

  2. I am lucky, Lydia. Grab those lemons! Make lemon curd. Freeze the juice in ice cube trays if you must. There's nothing like Meyer lemon juice in the middle of winter.

  3. Meyer lemons are the best.
    Don't forget to save the zest!

  4. A whole box?! I can't wait to see your creations.

  5. Hi Nate & Annie, I save it all!

    Susan, I messed up my first lemon creation and had to scrap it. Soup is on the way.

  6. Lucky you they look gorgeous

  7. Thank you, Anne. And thank you for your email!


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