Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Although 2011 has been a year of minimal recipes and posts, many of you dear readers have stuck with me despite my non-productivity, for which I am sincerely grateful.  I hope to return to the delights of culinary activity here at the turn of the new year.  Meantime, I hope the holidays are bringing you comfort and joy and that you are looking forward to a bright new year in 2012.

PS - Don't know what happened to my header graphic; do know I've got to fix it.

Copyright © 2005-2011, Christine Cooks. All rights reserved


  1. This is a beautiful sight! Merry Christmas!!

    BTW, I see your header. No problem.


  2. Nice photo, Christine. I don't remember the lighthouse being decorated like this in the past, but maybe it is my memory not functioning. It looks nice.

  3. Looking forward to it. :) Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to you!

  4. Dear Christine,

    I received your beautiful Christmas card Friday!
    It is a realy beautiful one!

    Thanks so much, my friend!

    I added a little card to your Christmas card & that was my new adresse !

  5. Pretty photo! Happy New Year - and I hope 2012 is wonderful.

  6. Looking forward to reading more great posts~The best to you and your family!


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